Submit Manuscript


Submit Manuscript

The accepted abstracts will not be published; however, the abstracts will be included in the conference program.



  • A submission confirmation email will be sent to authors in 1-3 days at the date of submission. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder or contact us.
  • The preliminary review feedback will be sent in 7-10 days.
  • The review process could take 2-4 weeks.



Submission Methods

1. Log in to the Submission System to upload your paper.

2. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us; and then you will get a reply and suggestions within one working day.

3. Kindly notice that each paper should be edited in English and at least 10 full pages with the Template requirements.


Submission Template

For detailed paper format information, please down here:

Download Abstract MS Word Template

Download Full manuscript MS Word Template

*The authors' name, affiliation and other personal information need to be hidden in the main content during the submission stage.

*After submission, your mailbox will receive our confirmation letter within 3 working days; if no response within due time, please check your spam folder or send us an emai

Submission Type

Full Paper

The manuscript should be written in English, including tables, figures, equations, and algorithms.

Only original papers will be considered. The manuscripts must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere and must not be under review by any other conference or journal during the review cycle.

The research topic of manuscript should fall into the conference scopes (refer to the CFP), and it should be presented with logic and complete structure, relevant information, significant results, etc.

The accepted paper limits are 10 pages, including all figures, tables, references and appendices. Extra page will be charged at 70 USD per page.


The submitted abstract should contain a sufficient summary of the paper and an outline of goals, results and conclusion, including conveying sufficient understanding when reading in isolation from the paper.


A pre-submission self-check is helpful to save time and effort of authors and reviewers in the review process; to some extent, it will also help improve the quality of submissions. We, therefore, suggest authors conduct a careful self-check before submitting a paper to the conference.

Here are tips for self-check below:

1. Make sure that the paper is of interest to the conference.

2. Check the spelling and formal style to avoid misspellings or syntactical errors.

3. Make sure that the English language of the paper should be of sufficient quality to be understood.

4. Ensure that the layout conforms with the abstract/paper template of the conference.

5. Ensure all individuals who contribute substantially to the work have been listed as an author.

6. Ensure the version of the manuscript to be submitted has been agreed upon by all authors.

Plagiarism Detection

Authors are suggested to conduct the plagiarism detection through CrossCheck© before submission. Please be noted that the CrossCheck© will run all over the review and publication process. Once such unethical behavior is reported, the paper will be withdrawn, and no refund will be entertained.

Submissions Should Comprise

1. Title Page: Title, Authors' Information (Affiliation), Abstract, Keywords, Funding Sources, Conflict of Interest and Confidential Information.

2. Manuscript Contents: Introduction, Description, Materials and Methods, Tables and Figures, Results, Conclusion, References, etc.

3. Supplementary Material (Optional).


Submission Policy

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission).
To be published in the international conference journals, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present the same paper at the conference.

No Show Policy

Please take note that ICIECV has a strict policy on No-Show. Therefore, if your paper is accepted, one of the authors OR their representatives MUST PRESENT their paper at the conference. Papers with no show participants without a valid reason will not be submitted for publishing in proceedings, and no refund of the paid fees.


ACM Publication Policies

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.